Terça, 18 de Fevereiro de 2025
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Testimony About a Christian Marriage — Beginning To End

Adilson Vieira, a dear brother in Christ, has recently lost his wife. At Gody’s funeral service (as we lovely called her), he delivered the following speech:

God has never forsaken me and he is never going to.

Carlos Oswaldo Pinto, dean and professor at the Word of Life Biblical Seminary, who is already enjoying heavenly delights, used to say  that “God’s methods do not always make sense, but they are always right.”

God has given me many gifts. The greatest of all was certainly the grace of salvation. Another one, I may say slightly smaller, was giving me Gody as wife.

Unusual as it was, our junction can only have been devised by the sovereign God.

I saw her for the first time at 19:00, on April 4th 1970, in front of the building at Paissandu Street 94, Rio de Janeiro. She was 19 then and I was about to turn 24. By the way, it was a meeting set by a mutual friend.

As she crossed to meet me, though nervous for the first meeting, I could not help but notice her princess like look: slender and tall, waist long hair. I soon realized her sweet face, captivating smile. It was her. The gift God had designed to me.

Since that distant April 4th we have become accomplices in everything. She was not my best confidant. She was my only confidant. We had no secrets to one another.

On December 16, 1972, at 19pm, we got married in the Presbyterian Church of Inhaúma, Rio de Janeiro. A simple ceremony, but beautiful and full of meaning for me and for her. This year we would have completed 44 years of marriage.

We then began our life together and God became filling our quiver. Many people tell me the girls are lucky for taking after their mother. I have never doubted that, lucky them.

She was a devoted wife and mother. We traveled together many times and laughed so many others. Mainly because I am always messing up and the girls would not let it go.

Later, approaching nonchalantly, there came the sons-in-law. Followed by the promise of God, “and you shall see the children of your children”. As grandchildren arrived, one could notice glee and joy in the face of my wife. She always dedicated everyone care and affection.

Her love for missions was contagious. In her time alone with God, she prayed for the missionaries, including the ones not directly linked to our church.

Our house was always open to host ministers and missionaries. Hundreds of them have been there. She would carefully strive to welcome and make them feel home.

In the last few years, she surpassed infirmities that came over her like a true warrior. She went through four surgeries, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Never complained about anything. Some of her surgeries coincided with the period in which I was chief executive at Mackenzie, which obliged me to do weekly trips to Sao Paulo. I considered leaving the position, but she strongly disagreed.

She deeply loved the church. We were talking about the issues in the church and, one day, she shared she “wouldn’t like to move to another church. I love this church and I would like to stay here to the last days, regardless of you being in the ministry.

She also loved Word of Life organization. Whenever we were at Word of Life’s area, whether in Atibaia, Caldas Novas or Scroon Lake, she would always say, “When I am here I feel like in the anteroom to heaven”.

She was always marking peoples’ life with her testimony about Christ. She marked my life, our daughter’s lives, our sons-in-law’s lives, our grandchildren’s lives, the lives of professionals who took care of her look, the lives of girls who served us coffee – almost daily – at Fran’s Café, the lives of so many others.

In the last February 23th, we embarked on a day flight to USA in order to visit children and grandchildren living there. She was radiant about the trip and told me “Wow, I’m so happy about this trip. I’ve been waiting so long for this day.”

We got to our children’s house about 9h30 pm. We unpacked just the necessary. Went to bed. At dawn, heading to the bathroom, she fainted. When it came to me she was laying on the bathroom floor. I took her back to bed and told her not to go to the bathroom again before talking to me. Two hours later, she said she needed to go to the bathroom and did it leaning on me. Another faint. During day 24, two more faints. She was too weak and could not stand. By the afternoon, my son-in-law, who is a doctor, suggested we took her to the hospital. After several blood tests and bone marrow puncture, the diagnosis of acute leukemia was confirmed.

I knew the situation was critical, but I also knew that God was in control, even if the outcome happened to be unfavorable from a human point of view.

In the afternoon of the 26th, two days after being hospitalized, God, who is never late, in his eternal sovereignty decided to take her to his glory, where she now enjoys heavenly eternity.

I have being saying and I repeat that, although sad and tearful, I am not disappointed with God. Knowing that she was prepared to meet the Lord Jesus, whom she loved so, is what comforts my heart.

What about you who is listening to me now? Are you prepared to this encounter? If not, surrender your life to Christ, receive him in your heart and then you will be able to enjoy the certain she did – of living in heaven with Christ forever.

I haven’t lost her. I simply haven’t lost her because I know where she is. And, in God’s timing, I am joining her in heaven and there will be no tear, no pain, nor sorrow. The Bible – the word of God – assures me that.

To God, the author of life and hope for the justified by faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, be all honor and glory, now and forever!

Adilson Vieira

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